Do you experience intrusive thoughts or repetitive rituals?
We are seeking participants with subthreshold to mild obsessive-compulsive symptoms to participate in a clinical trial investigating the effectiveness of two evidence-based online programs in their impact on well-being. It is an open trial where all participants get immediate and free access to one of the programs, which you can participate in at your own time and space.
What’s involved?
Completing 4x online modules (30-45) minutes each, made up of smaller exercises) over 6 weeks.
Completing questionnaires online and being reimbursed up to $20aud (or your country’s equivalent) for your time completing them.
Receiving emails with recaps of each module and/or reminders.
How to Participate
Eligibility includes being aged 18 or older, experience subthreshold to mild obsessive-compulsive symptoms, have had no changes to medications or therapy in the last 8 weeks, and no suicidal intent or psychosis symptoms. To find out if this study is the right fit for you, we need to ask you some questions about your obsessions and/or compulsions as well as other aspects of your well-being. You won’t be asked to provide your name or any identifying information until the end if you decide to sign up, where you’ll be given more information about what’s involved in the study.
The survey will take approximately 15-20 minutes, you can click here to get started: