Founded in 1991, The TLC Foundation for Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors
is a health-related human services organization dedicated to supporting the
1-in-20 individuals experiencing body-focused repetitive behaviors (BFRBs) through advocacy, awareness, connection, health education, celebration, and equitable access to effective evidence-based treatments.
Heart is at the center of everything we do
Please join us to achieve our vision of a world where:
- BFRBs are diagnosed quickly.
- BFRBs are widely known and understood in the general community.
- BFRBs are not a source of shame.
- Isolation is lessened.
- Equitable, effective treatment is available to all people experiencing BFRBs.
- Health education information and resources are readily available to people experiencing BFRBs and their families.
You make TLC possible.
Your gifts have a big impact. You keep the lights on.
Health education and community programs running, the website live, and our staff working to create the biggest possible impact from every dollar donated.
Individuals like you, making personal donations, are the primary source of financial support for all of TLC's operations. Thank you for your generosity and belief in the power of the BFRB community!